Save Time, Test Faster
Students are tested through automated test suites, enabling objective, consistent, and immediate results.
Built for Coding
Our online IDE makes it possible to build more complex tests without overwhelming your students.

No Setup Required
Ready to use instantly, with hand-crafted assessments, a library of challenges, and shareable URLs.
Test with Code Assessments
Designed to test coding skills using challenges with real-world relevance. Qualified helps to make it easier to test larger, more complex challenges without manually reviewing and scoring every submission.
We provide an IDE with integrated test frameworks for each language (Mocha, RSpec, PHPUnit, JUnit, etc). These unit-tests drive our auto-scoring and allow students to try their code before making a submission.
Teach One-on-One with Pair Programming
Pair-program with students in real-time through our collaborative code editor. With full access to test-cases and results for ease of code validation.
Any Code Assessment can be turned into a pair programming session allowing teachers and students to talk through assignments and tests.
3 Simple Steps
